Tony lives. The worse thing that could happen? Hit his family. Carmella is expendable. He'll be upset, angry. Feel guilty. And return to business as usual.
Carmella hit. Why? She's a phony. Lives a double-standard. Contrary to the Soprano clan theory that family members are not targets, they do get hit sometimes.

Dr. Melfi hit. Everyone knows Tony's been seeing a shrink for years. Who knows what she knows. Another Phil's "no scraps in my scrapbox" solution.

Paulie lives. Which ever way the wind blows, you always know where he stands.

Nancy's Sidebar: If this happens, Tony will move to Las Vegas and smoke peyote the rest of his depressed life. AJ escapes the hit (remember he's with Carmella)and joins a terrorist cell because he's confused, lost, and stupid. Meadow survives and goes to law school.
Photo Credits: HBO
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